NEWS Sunday 13th January 2008, 11:06am

by Mike Hunter

  Edinburgh Monarchs

Former Monarchs' star Oyvind Berg has died at the age of 64. He rode in the final season at Old Meadowbank in 1967.

Oyvind was signed by Ian Hoskins as he built a powerful team for the last season at the old track. Hoskins joked that his middle initial stood for 'Super' though his middle name was Sandem.

He was not well known in this country but soon established himself as a tough competitior and a key member of one of the best teams Monarchs ever had.

The team was de-strengthened for 1968 and although Oyvind was allocated to Sheffield by the authorities, he eventually moved to White City Glasgow where he was a track specialist.

His final club in a relatively short UK career was Oxford, before he retired for family reasons.

After speedway he worked in Norway for a while but moved back to the UK, living in Manchester and running an air conditioning business. He was recently back in Edinburgh during the renovation of the George Hotel.

He was a member of the VSRA and Monarchs' supporters were pleased to see him at the annual VSRA dinner in recent years.

Our sympathies go to his wife and two daughters.