NEWS Wednesday 24th February 2010, 9:10am
Edinburgh Monarchs
Ryan Fisher is back in the UK and well advanced with his preparations for his third year with the Scotwaste Monarchs.
He will be based in Tamworth this season. ?We rented Billy Hamill's house. We didn't know if I would be doubling up, it would have been a lot better if I was based down here last year really. I will travel up each week and stay up for the weekend if we have meetings up there.
?It's been a tough winter, the kids have been really sick. We were staying with Daelyn's dad but we were stuck inside the whole time because of the kids. But we are back, everybody's healthy and ready to go.
?I haven't been on any bikes at all during the winter. Now we are just trying to get our house sorted out down here.
?I'm looking forward to the season, I think it is going to be a good year definitely. Glyn Taylor who tunes my engines is going to do all the meetings with me as my mechanic. It will be good to have the same person all the time.
?He said he was looking to do it, and I said it was something I want, I need someone with the experience knowing how to set the bikes up when things aren't right. That's when I can struggle, when the bikes aren't right.
?For the most part I have my bikes set up. I have everything apart at the moment to make sure everything's straight, and I will replace stuff like bearings and clutch which really make a difference.?
Ryan hopes to ride in Poland this year with Rzeszow and if that is going ahead he will take one bike over there. ?They wanted me to bring two bikes but I told them I wasn't comfortable with that, because I really like having three bikes in the UK. I told them I would bring one and they would need to supply the other one.
?I have a test match for them on 27th March. That means we have Edinburgh Friday, Poland Saturday and come back for Glasgow on Sunday.
?I was first offered a contract for the lowest division over there but it wasn't very good. So a Polish guy I know in the States hooked me up with Rzeszow who already had their team, but they invited me over for the test match. If I do well enough I will be in, otherwise they can loan me out.
?So I hope I do well in that first meeting.?
Fisher's two seasons at Edinburgh have been amongst the most successful the club have known, and he sees that continuing. ?I do think we have a good team again. I hope we can get the team spirit going again, that is important.
?I was thinking about trying a Jawa engine, I might look into that once we get going.
?At the moment everything is set up as long as it all works OK.
?I haven't talked to the American guys yet but I am pretty sure I will be in the Grand Prix qualifier and maybe the World Cup if we have a team!?