Club Update and A Message from Monarchs Fans Trust

NEWS Friday 8th May 2020, 12:00pm

by PR Team and Monarchs Fans Trust

  Edinburgh Monarchs

What The Fork Monarchs and the Monarchs Fans Trust have united in thanking all key workers carrying out crucial roles and in their wish that all Monarchs supporters and friends stay safe and well in the current time.

In these strange times that see a lockdown in place across the country it can sometimes be a challenge for everyone to adapt to such a significant lifestyle change. Meanwhile key workers continue their vital work to support the country for which everyone is so thankful.

Club Chairman Alex Harkess said, "These are certainly unprecedented times. I don't think anyone could ever have imagined anything like this.

"It can be difficult for everyone at times but I wish to let all supporters know that the Club is here for them and we are all here for each other. Our thanks go out to all key workers for all that they do and to everyone that is staying home also as we all try to halt this terrible virus."

For the duration of the lockdown, the Club has been working tirelessly in an attempt to boost spirits by producing as much content as possible via EMTV to keep supporters entertained and engaged with the Monarchs.

Recent features include EMTV:Rewind and the Sunday Lunch question and answer series.

Monarchs Fans Trust Chaiman Len Jones has been a keen viewer and exclaimed, "I believe I can speak for all supporters, both Monarchs fans and those from other clubs that have been looking in, when I say that the EMTV:Rewind matches have been thoroughly enjoyable. It is great to look back at some of the tremendous matches from the past as we all look forward to speedway returning in the future.

"These, coupled with the Sunday Lunch question and answer sessions, have been great for all speedway supporters."

In normal times, the Club - like most sporting entities - relies upon gate receipts to cover the bulk of its operational costs. Although the Club has worked hard to significantly reduce outgoings after the start of the season was delayed, some costs are unavoidable whilst others had already been incurred pending the season starting but without the regular gate receipts currently flowing to cover this.

When the season finally does begin, the promotion are mindful of the financial challenges that may lie ahead in what is an uncertain future.

Alex explained, "It seems that the only certainty at the moment is uncertainty. We are ready and waiting for when speedway can resume but we are aware that the economic picture may be very different going forward compared to what it has been in recent times.

"As a Club we are aware of this and we are committed, as we always are, to ensuring that the Club continues for very many years to come."

The continuation of speedway is a key aim for the Monarchs Fans Trust, Len continued, "I think one thing that this current situation is showing us is just how much we miss speedway when it isn't there. While this is a temporary pause, it does highlight the main objective of the Monarchs Fans Trust which is to do everything we can to make sure that the Club is around for a long time."

"A significant amount of time and effort goes into giving us, 'the fans', a free 'speedway fix' with these showings of past matches and the new interviews.

"An idea that I have seen from other clubs in a similar situation is to suggest that their patrons could donate some of the money that they would regularly be spending with their club but that the coronavirus is preventing them from doing so. The price of admission, a programme or the money you are currently saving in travel costs.

"If you have been enjoying the online content each week then this could be a way to show recognition of this. There is absolutely no obligation to do so but whether it is a one-off donation or becoming a Trust member, it will all help to keep the Monarchs on track."

The Monarchs Fans Trust, working in partnership with the Club, has now set up a system so that supporters can either make a one-off donation in the above manner or to consider joining the Trust by making recurring payments.

Since its inception in early 2015, the Trust has ensured the Club have been able to weather every storm that has come our way. The coronavirus will be no different.

You can donate to the Monarchs Fans Trust on a one-off basis using the links below.

One-off Donation

You can also join the Monarchs Fans Trust by subscribing on a monthly basis at set amounts using the links below.

Monthly Donation

Alex concluded, "I have said it before and I will say it again, Monarchs supporters are simply the best in the sport, probably in any sport. On and off track our supporters back our Club. We all love our Club and we all want to see it flourish long into the future. Thank you all."

If you are already a member of the Monarchs Fans Trust, the Trust and the Club would once again like to place on record sincere thanks for your continued support.

The Club and Monarchs Fans Trust thank you for considering an additional donation at this time and hope you enjoy the upcoming EMTV shows!